200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Course Highlight:-

Course : 200 Hours YTTC Duration: 25 Days Date: 01st - 25th of every month Certification: YOGA ALLIANCE Level: Intermediate Module: Residential With Meals

Course Fees

US $799
Triple Sharing Room:
US $999
Double Sharing Room:
US $1200
Private Room:

Yoga For Intermediate

🧘200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India 🧘

Yoga School in Rishikesh

અતિથિ દેવો ભવ meaning “Guest is God” Is a phrase we hold in our heart which shapes the ethos of Yog Sutra rishikesh. Would you like to deepen your personal yoga practice and acquire the skills to teach others through our best 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh? Learn with Yog Sutra rishikesh (RYS) 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh and join our family of confident yoga alliance certified teachers- and take the next stepping stone on your yogic journey.

Our 200 hour best hatha yoga teacher training course takes place in the famous city of Rishikesh, considered the spiritual and religious capital, in India.Known as the ‘World Capital of Yoga’, Rishikesh is a perfect setting, rich in history, surrounded by nature and blessed by the divine Mother Ganga, in which to learn the art, science and philosophy of Yoga.
Whether you are a beginner or advanced in your yoga practice, our intensive yoga course is developed for all levels, whether traveling as an individual or in a group, we welcome you to learn with us and get certified so that you can train others as a certified yoga teacher. With a view of the glorious River Ganga, committed and learned yoga teachers who are motivated to teach in accordance with yoga alliance certification and have been providing yoga teacher training in Rishikesh for many years- Yog Sutra rishikesh provides a thorough yoga instructor certification RYT 200 hour TTC experience, and is your home away from home.

Yog Sutra rishikesh school offers a comprehensive 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training over 26 days, which will give students the foundation for leading their own yoga classes or establishing a regular personal yoga practice. Yog Sutra rishikesh school's unique approach to teaching actions for alignment, balance, stability, ease and space, allows for yoga practitioners to grow and deepen their yoga practice with confidence. Mark the beginning of your yoga journey with our delicately designed syllabus on par with the Yoga Alliance standards. With help from our mastery in the ageless scriptures and time-tested techniques developed over the eras, we can guide you towards attaining proficiency in your perseverance of attaining the coveted position of a Yoga Teacher. The course has a span of three and a half weeks. Classes will be held from Monday till Saturday, with a half day on Thursdays and an off day on Sundays.

Our Speciality

The Yoga School - Why Choose 200 Hour Course?
Yoga School in Rishikesh

During your 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training program, your stay will be at the Yoga Sutra yog practicing shivir which is situated in the most wonderful zone of northern India, Rishikesh. The school has heavenly perspectives of the mountains and a tranquil, quiet condition with rich green gardens and loads of nature around you. Following a brief walk you will discover the market where you can purchase natural items, neighborhood products, nourishment, cafés, etc.

The Yoga Sutra Rishikesh is well known for scenic locations nearby such as Laxman Jhula and Ram Jhula. Our Yoga lobby is arranged in the lush green surroundings in the lap of mother ganges . We have a bamboo Hut where our 200 hour understudies practice, and two huge cover hovels where our 300 hour understudies practice yoga. From your room you appreciate delightful mountain and wilderness sees.

It is a quiet spot that enables your brain to turn out to be totally centered around your investigation and practice. We have 3 yoga corridors, 27 rooms, and enormous open air porches. The huge, wonderful Dining corridor is arranged on the principal floor with stunning perspectives, which make having sumptuous food served in the nature’s lap. Each room has a washroom with western latrine and hot and cold shower. Understudies can pick single or twofold settlement as per their needs. Rooms are roomy, open and light. Bedsheets, cushions, shower towels, tissue, and covers are given.

Free WIFI is accessible on each floor of Yoga Sutra Premises.
Clothing services (such as laundry, ironing) is accessible with a minimal effort.
  • Triple Sharing Room: US $799 ( Accommodation + Meals)
  • Double Sharing Room: US $999 ( Accommodation + Meals)
  • Private Room: US $1200 (Accommodation + Meals)

Yoga TTC Syllabus/Curriculum

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Syllabus
Yoga School in Rishikesh
Yoga Asana Icon Yoga Asana

The Yoga Trainings practice of Aasanas and pranayama is imperative for a Yogi to fortify the mind, body, and soul.

Mantra Icon Mantra

Mantra is a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in Meditation. The reverberating sound harmonious the body and mind.

Yoga Anatomy Icon Yoga Anatomy

The outcome of learning this subject is that the Yogi can discern the various nuances of the human body in a more enriched fashion.

Teaching Methodology Icon Teaching Methodology

You cannot claim to be a Yoga Teacher unless you familiarise yourself with the necessary techniques of teaching an Asana session.

Yoga Philosophy Icon Yoga Philosophy

Patanjali Yoga Sutras (Patanjali is the father of yoga). Each Friday, students will lead a discussion reflecting on the week's readings.

Pranayama Icon Pranayama

Pranayama is the yogic practice of focusing on breath. Techniques of Praanaayama.

Yoga TTC Shedule

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Shedule
Yoga School in Rishikesh

The 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Rishikesh Yog Sutra follows a strict schedule in compliance with Yoga Alliance standards. Nearly 6 to 7 hours of training time are assigned to some aspect of yoga each day. You could find the training intensive but enlightening.

Time Activity Course Includes Beyond the Courses & Excursions:
05:30 am Wake Up 21 Nights of Private or Shared Accommodation ✔ Opening Hawan (Fire Ceremony)
06:00 am Herbal Tea Free Pickup from Dehradun Airport ✔ Parmarth Niketan Ashram (Ganga Aarti)
06:15 am Nasal Cleansing 3 Times Daily Nutritious Vegetarian Meals and Herbal Tea ✔ Kunjapuri Temple Tour (Sunrise view)
06:30 am Mantra Chanting & Pranayama Cleansing Kit ✔ Outdoor Yoga by the Ganges
07:30 am Yoga Asana Training Manual and study material ✔ Meditation Cave Tour (Mouni/Vashishtha)
09:00 am Breakfast 24/7 support during your stay at the School ✔ 13th floors Bhootnath Temple (Sunset view)
11:00 am Yoga Philosophy Theoretical and Practical Skills ✔ 100 Years old Beatles Ashram
12:00 pm Yoga Anatomy Wifi Access ✔ Classical music concert (with Gurukul students)
01:30 pm Lunch Weekend Excursions ✔ Dance Class (Bollywood, Classical)
02:30 pm Self study / Assignment Kirtan and Movie Night ✔ Satsang Retreat by the Ganges
03:30 pm Alignment and Adjustment 24 X 7 CCTV Surveillance ✔ Beech Yoga
05:00 pm Yoga Asana Air fare (Not Included) ✔ Yoga School certification
06:30 pm Meditation Private Accommodation- 299 USD Extra (Not Included)
07:30 pm Dinner Room Heater - 100 USD Extra (Not Included)
10:45 pm Lights Out Air-conditioner- 100 USD Extra. (Not Included)
Please note: Daily schedule is subject to change on teacher's discretion

Yoga TTC Course Date

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training UPCOMING DATE
Yoga School in Rishikesh

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India offered by Yog Sutra Rishikesh. Certified by Yoga Alliance, USA

Course Dates Private Room Double Shared Room Triple Shared Room Book Now
1st Jun to 25th June 2024 1200 USD 999 USD 799 USD
1st Jul to 25th July 2024 1200 USD 999 USD 799 USD
1st Aug to 25th Auguest 2024 1200 USD 999 USD 799 USD
1st Sep to 25th September 2024 1200 USD 999 USD 799 USD
1st Oct to 25th October 2024 1200 USD 999 USD 799 USD
1st Nov to 25th November 2024 1200 USD 999 USD 799 USD
1st Dec to 25th December 2024 1200 USD 999 USD 799 USD

Yog Sutra Rishikesh

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India | 25 Days Syllabus
Yoga School in Rishikesh

According to Patanjali Asanas means,’’sthira sukham asanam’’ i.e’’ that position which is comfortable and steady’’.Asana is that state of body in which it may be kept easily. As a matter of fact, the ability to sit comfortably for an extended period of time in any position is called asana. Yoga asana gives fundamental skills of keeping our body fit and healthy.
Asana Practice:
One of the key aspects of the 200-hour yoga teacher training, Rishikesh syllabus is asana practice. Yogic postures comprise three hours of the daily schedule. Some of the other important benefits of asana practice are:
Improved muscle strength and tone
A balanced metabolism
Better cardio and circulatory health
Improved athletic performance
At the Yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, you get to master the form of each of your Asanas and you'll also receive detailed instructions on the benefits of practicing each Asana. Complications and Contraindications for these positions as well as alternate Asanas will also be taught to help you attain mastery of your Yogic posturing.


  • 1. Padmasana
  • 2. Sukhasana
  • 3. Vajrasana
  • 4. Bhadrasana
  • 5. Swastikasana
  • 6. simhagarjanasana

  • 1. Tadasana
  • 2. Triyaka Tadasana
  • 3. Kati Chakrasana
  • 4. Trikonasana
  • 5. Utkatasana
  • 6. pada hasatha asana

  • 1. Natrajasana
  • 2. Garudasana
  • 3. Uttitha Hasta Padangusthasana
  • 4. Pada Angushth asana
  • 5. Vriskshasana
  • 6. Vatayanasana
  • 7. Eka Padasana
  • 8. mayura asana/vashishtha asana
  • 9. Baka Dhyana asana


  • 1. Sirsasana
  • 2. Sarvangasana
  • 3. Padma Sarvangasana
  • 4. vipareeta karani asana
  • 5. oordhwa padmasana
  • 6. Salamba Sirshasana
  • 7. Halasana
  • 8. karni pida asana
  • 9. pincha mayura asana

  • 1. Ardha Matyendrasana
  • 2. Astavakrasana
  • 3. Shava Udarakarshanasana
  • 4. bhu naman asana
  • 5. Meru Wakrasana
  • 6. Parivritti Janu Sirsha asana

  • 1. Janu Shirshasana
  • 2. Paschimottasana
  • 3. Pada Prasar Paschimottanasana
  • 4. Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana
  • 5. Saithalyasana
  • 6. Padahastanasana
  • 7. Koormasana
  • 8. Supta Pawanmuktasana


  • 1. Chakra asana
  • 2. Dhanura asana
  • 3. Bhujanga asana
  • 4. sarpasana
  • 5. Rajkapotasana
  • 6. Matsyasana
  • 7. Supta Vajrasana
  • 8. Ustrasana
  • 9. Setuasana
  • 10. Vrischikasana
  • 11. kandharasana
  • 12. Shalabhasana

  • 1. Surya Namaskar
  • 2. Chandra Namaskar
  • 3. Pawanmuktasana
  • 4. Marjariasana
  • 5. Vyaghrasana
  • 6. Hanumanasana

  • 1. Balasana
  • 2. Savasana
  • 3. Makarasana
  • 4. Shashankasan
  • 5. Supta Baddha Konasana
  • 6. Supta Vajrasana

Pranayam is the practice of breath control in yoga.’ prana’ means breath and ‘Yama’ stands for control or discipline. Maharshi Patanjali defines it in yoga sutra’’. It refers to breathing exercises that are used for relaxation, concentration, and meditation. In modern yoga as exercise, it consists of synchronizing the breath with movements between asanas but is also a distinct breathing exercise on its own, usually practiced after asanas.
Students will learn techniques to open vital energy centers in the body with the goal of becoming proficient enough to teach these skills to their students. Practical teaching experience will begin from the second week.
MahirishiPatanjali defines pranayama in ‘yoga sutra’ according to which there are following three stages of pranayama;
The mantra chanting creates a positive environment among all the people learning asanas and yoga.

  • Introduction of Pranayama
  • Natural Breathing
  • Abdominal Breathing
  • Chest Breathing or Thoracic Breathing
  • Clavicular Breathing
  • Yogic Breathing or Deep Breathing
  • Nadi Shodhana with inner & outer retention and Jalandar Bandha
  • Anuloma Viloma
  • Bhastrika
  • Kapalbhati
  • Shitali
  • Shitkari
  • Surya Bedhi & Chandra Bedhi
  • Purak Kumbhak Rechak
  • Ujjayi
  • Kakimudhra
  • Bahya Pranayama
  • Karna Rogaanta Pranayama
  • Breathing techniques to improve respiratory functioning
  • Which in turn improves the functioning of all the systems
  • Natural breath – slow, rhythmic and diaphragmatic
  • Breath regulation for stress-related problems
  • Importance of Kumbhak/breath retention and its applications

Padmasana, Sidhasana and Samasana are the main asanas of the Meditation sessions. By practicing these asanas, the meditation power of an individual is enhanced. The practice of these asanas should be done before performing meditation. In fact, Meditation is done by remaining constant in these asanas. It is more beneficial to perform such asanas in a completely peaceful environment.

    Introduction of Meditation

  • OM Meditation
  • Mantra Chanting Meditation
  • Soham Meditation
  • Shiva Meditation
  • Yoga Nidra Meditation
  • Tratak (Candle) Meditation
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Buddha Meditation (Vipassna)
  • Inner Light Meditation
  • Prana Meditation
  • Kundalini Meditation
  • Self-observation many levels either guided or by self Learning the skill of how to guide students
  • The connection between breath and meditative state Yogendra from beginners to advance level

Yoga philosophy will cover the history and science behind the study of Yoga such as the understanding of the five elementary principles of Yogic practice; breathing, proper exercise, relaxation, diet, and meditation. Part of the 200-hour Yoga Teacher training, the Yoga philosophy class aims at equipping you with in-depth knowledge and understanding of Yoga not just in terms of postures, but the 'why' behind them. This class will prepare students to study and understand Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Once a week, students will lead a discussion reflecting on the week's readings. Before class, students should write down one question on a notecard directly related to the day's reading and give this to the teacher at the start of class. This is aimed at improving classroom engagement and retention of the day's teachings.

    Why is Yoga?

  • Historic tradition of Yoga
  • Shiva and Shakti concept
  • Yoga Sutra

  • i. The four path of Yoga Sutra
  • ii. The discipline of life
  • Bhagavad Gita

  • i. Introduction and Meditation
  • ii. Sthita and Prajna
  • iv. Path of Devotion and Royal Path
  • v. The Profound Knowledge of Three Gunas
  • vi. The Knowledge of Field
  • Samkhya

  • i. Introduction to Samkhya
  • ii. Cause of Pain and Way of Self-realization
  • iii. Karma and Sanskara
  • iv. Stages of consciousness


  • i. Introduction of Tantra
  • ii. Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
  • Kundalini Yoga

  • i. The Art of Kundalini Yoga
  • ii. The Kundalini Yoga works with Kundalini Energy
  • The concept of mind, senses and soul

Mudra can be described psychic, emotional gesture. It is a combination of subtle physical movements which influence our mind, pranic body, internal organ and concentration. There are hand mudra, body mudra, facial mudra thus Hand Mudra is most famous. When the Mudras is practiced at the highest level, it leads to awakening the Prana, Chakra, Kundalini which can bestow specific powers. Mudra manipulates Prana and eventually our Nadi and Chakra.

    Introduction of Mudra

  • Moola Bandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • alandhar Bandha
  • Maha Bandha
  • Yoga Mudhra
  • Nasagra Mudhra
  • Gyana Mudhra
  • Hridaya Mudhra
  • Bhairava Mudhra
  • Jnana Mudhra
  • Prana Mudhra
  • Singha Mudhra

Kriya most commonly refers to a "completed action", technique or practice within a yoga discipline meant to achieve a specific result. Another meaning of kriya is an outward physical manifestation of awakened Kundalini, such as a spontaneous body movement related to kundalini energy flow. Kriya Shakti is "a power of thought", said to be greatly studied by yogis. The Purity of body encourages purity of the mind. Yoga has developed six cleansing techniques or shat kriyas for purification of the physical body. Through these simple exercises, nature is assisted in the elimination of waste products and mucus. Many mental and physical ailments may be alleviated through the practice of kriyas.

    Jala Neti Rubber

  • Neti Sutra Neti
  • Nauli Tratak
  • Bahya Kumbha
  • Agnisara Kunjal
  • Vastra Dauti
  • Sankaprakchalan

Yoga Anatomy is a study of the Subtle currents of energy that moves through the layers of three bodies. The Ancient yogi held the view that we actually have three bodies; Physical, Astral and Causal. Asana practice is a way of imposing order on the human system and use the poses in a proper alignment. We don't live to do Yoga but we do yoga in a proper way and proper sequencing so that we may live a healthy life. Basically, Yoga Anatomy comprises of breathing excercises, muscular and skeletal adjustment as well as correcting improper body alignment. Yoga Anatomy is a valuable resource that allows you to see each movement in an entirely new light. This approach will lead you logically through a wealth of musculoskeletal anatomy, bring the academic discourse to life, and permit you to understand the body's architecture and work with its safety.
Students will adopt anatomy and physiology relevant to yoga in order to strengthen their classroom discussion and corrections of asana. If you aim at becoming a yoga practitioner, it is vital to understand the functioning of the human body. As mentioned earlier, asanas have several underlying benefits to the body, and understanding the body helps you understand which Asanas to practice to strengthen each part of the body. Yoga involves stretching which lightens and re-aligns the muscle fibers, a strong understanding of the anatomy will help you be more attuned to your body and the changes happening in it.
Yoga philosophy will cover the history and science behind the study of Yoga such as the understanding of the five elementary principles of Yogic practice; breathing, proper exercise, relaxation, diet, and meditation. Part of the 200-hour Yoga Teacher training, the Yoga philosophy class aims at equipping you with in-depth knowledge and understanding of Yoga not just in terms of postures, but the 'why' behind them. This class will prepare students to study and understand Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Once a week, students will lead a discussion reflecting on the week's readings. Before class, students should write down one question on a notecard directly related to the day's reading and give this to the teacher at the start of class. This is aimed at improving classroom engagement and retention of the day's teachings.

    1. Respiratory Systems

  • i. Anatomy and respiratory of physiology system
  • ii. Effect of Yoga practices and physiology of Pranayama
  • 2. Skeleton Systems
  • i. Anatomy and biomechanics of joints
  • ii. Safe way of adjustments and modifications of asanas
  • 3. Cardiovascular Systems
  • i. Structure and physiology of heart and blood vessels
  • ii. Blood pressured and effect of yoga practices
  • 4. Digestive System
  • i. The work of Digestive System in the body
  • ii. How Digestion Effect Yoga
  • 5. Endocrine Systems
  • i. The works of the Glands in the body
  • ii. The Action of Hormones
  • 6. Nervous System and Plexus
  • i. The Nadis and Nerves
  • ii. The Function of Nervous Systems
  • 7. Muscular Systems
  • i. The Functions of Muscular & Skeletal System
  • ii. The Effect of Yoga and Muscular System
  • iii. Muscular and Skeletal System effect the Posture of the Body

A Mantra is a sound that helps to keep your mind focused. Practicing mantras throughout life can be helpful to keep you focused, but they become especially helpful during your yoga and meditation practices. Mantras like om, Radhe Radhe, hare Krishna, etc helps to make your mind and soul peaceful. In Yog Sutra Yoga School mantra chanting is done to regenerate the mental powers in the human body.

    Ganesha Mantra -Vakratunda Mahakaya

  • Shiva Mantra – Karpoora Gauram
  • Santhosham
  • Santhi Mantra
  • Mangalam Mantra
  • Samarpanam Mantra
  • Twameva Sarvam Mantra
  • Om Mantra
  • Vaidika Shanthi Mantra (Dyoho Santhir Antararikagum)
  • Kirthana

Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional Hindu medicine native to the Indian subcontinent. Contemporary practices derived from Ayurvedic traditions are a type of alternative medicine. Ayurveda is a discipline of the upaveda or "auxiliary knowledge" in Vedic tradition. The origins of Ayurveda are also found in the Atharvaveda, which contains 114 hymns and incantations described as magical cures for disease. Since then Ayurveda has stood for the wholesome physical, mental and spiritual growth of humanity around the world. Today, it's a unique, indispensable branch of medicine, a complete naturalistic system that depends on the diagnosis of your body's humours - vata, pitta and kapha - to achieve the right balance.

    The holistic health

  • The sub-doshas 1
  • The sub-doshas 2
  • Fasting (colon cleansing)
  • Panchakarma 1 & 2

Here at Yog Sutra Rishikesh, we provide the training of how to teach. Through the courses, we improve and develop the skills of yoga teachers by teaching them with new methodology of yoga. Our special training includes 200 hours,300 hours and 500 hours. There are various programs that contain meditation, exercises, asanas, and chanting. Modern methods are used for teacher training with the taste of old ones.

    Ethical guidelines for a Yoga Teacher

  • Lesson plan and Sequencing of practices
  • Class management to the observation
  • Art of Demonstrations, Assistance, and correction
  • Concept of Alignment, at all the possible levels
  • Deep causal body relaxation
  • Point to point full body relaxation technique
  • Yoga Nidra for insomnia
  • Emotional body relaxation
  • Point to point full body relaxation technique
  • Yoga Nidra for insomnia Emotional body relaxation
  • Minor and major chakra relaxation

Yogic Food and Ashram like Environment at Yog Sutra in Rishikesh, India

Accomodations And Yogic Food For YTTC Students At Yog Sutra

Yoga School in Rishikesh


There are many shared and personal rooms in Yog Sutra.
  • Shared Rooms are designed for more than one person to live in.
  • Single room is available for people who want to stay alone. These rooms have attached washrooms as well.

Our every room is very spacious, so you can keep your luggage safely at a corner.

The rooms have following facilities:

  • Wi-Fi Facility
  • Proper Sanitation
  • Follow-up of Covid-19 Guidelines
  • Drinking Water Supply
  • Food and Beverage


Sattvic Lifestyle is incomplete without Sattvic Bhojan. It is extremely right to say that Yogic food can bring huge changes in your life, because this kind of food is organic, and it brings peace to your body and mind.

The following meals are included:
  • Brunch - 10:15 AM - 12:00 NOON
  • Tea - 01:30 PM - 02:00 PM
  • Dinner - 06:30 PM - 7:30 PM

This food is essential to relieve all the toxicity of your body parts. We prepare this food with a blend of Yogic and Ayurvedic touch. It is super healthy for you, and it brings a boost of energy to perform daily task of life with more ease.